Through this program, we recognize the role that poverty plays in inhibiting access to social economic rights. Our interventions under this program are geared towards, directly as well as indirectly, the pressing need our target audience have for sustainable income to enable them access basic rights of clean water, health care, food, shelter and education. Through this program, we contribute to the long term goals of improving access to health services and income for youth and women. Our long-term expected outcome is to ensure that women and youth in Siaya County access sustainable income sources and quality health services. To achieve this specific outcome, we pursue the following strategic objectives:
Objective 1: Enhance access to health services for local communities
Under this objective, we shall contribute to the following key result areas:
- Increased awareness on health rights among local communities
- Improved resource allocation towards health services
Objective 2: Enhance access to reproductive health services among adolescent girls and young women
Under this objective, we shall contribute to the following key result areas:
- Increased awareness on importance of family planning and modern FP methods
- Increased access to family planning information, services and commodities
Objective 3: Increase community awareness of services and funds for youth and women
Under this objective, we shall contribute to the following key result areas:
- Increased awareness of social security services among community members
- Increased access to funds established for youth and women
Objective 4: Strengthen capacity of youth and women to engage in income generating activities
Under this objective, we shall contribute to the following key result areas:
- Improved business and entrepreneurship skills among community members
- Improved ability to save and access business financing