Zephaniah Ajode Migeni
Is a graduate in Tourism and Wildlife Management from Moi University, and also hold a Certificate in Tour guiding and Tours Administration from the Center for Tourism Training and Research College. He is an apprentice Earth keeper with the Institute of Earth Education, West Virginia U.S.A. He has undergone various environmental training programs both abroad and in Kenya. He is also a graduate from Earthcorps, Seattle, WA, United States and Earthwatch Europe. He is a great essay writer and has won several nationwide environmental essay including UNEP, KOEE, WCK, NEMA, AFEW-Giraffe Center in 2010 amongst others. Zeph has worked with communities in Tucson, Arizona U.S.A on conserving the Saguaro National Park with the University of Arizona and Cooper Environmental Science Campus. In Kenya, he has worked with various environmental organizations on conserving Kenya’s biodiversity and helped low-income communities initiate sustainable livelihood improvement projects, especially in Lake Victoria Basin. Zeph is a very passionate conservationist, who keeps himself busy with Bird watching, travelling, biking, watching wildlife movies and socializing. His passion and humour makes him a great person especially in working with local communities and he has acted as a great inspiration to the youths of Kenya.