


Energy efficient cook stoves



Energy efficient cook stoves for Siaya communities project

The Energy efficient cook stoves for Siaya communities project, a carbon offset project developed and implemented by Tembea Youth Centre for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Swiss non-profit foundation Myclimate, seeks to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change by introducing affordable energy efficient cook stoves to the Siaya communities to replace the use of open three stone fire for cooking. The stove is a biomass rocket stove made from locally available materials such as mud, bricks and sawdust and designed for burning wood using two cooking units (twin rocket) that can be separately fired. The stove is fixed and installed in households and the size depends on the size of the sauce pan to be used in cooking. Since the stove technology disseminated is new among the targeted households the stove users are trained on usage once the construction is complete.

Since October 2010, the project has constructed over 120,000 energy efficient cook stoves, each capable of annually reducing firewood consumption by averagely 48% with up to 260 GWh thermal energy savings and between 90,000 to 100,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Also, the project has gainfully employed a team of 20 project staff, over 250 stove construction Artisans (70% young women) and over 400 community mobilizers that promote the stove in the local communities. Additionally, over 130,000 community members (80% women) have been mobilized, trained and formed into 3883 CSL groups through which they have been able to meet their basic needs, acquire assets and start income generating activities. The financial, social and human capital that locals especially women have developed through regular saving-led micro-finance group meetings has resulted to an amazing array of actions that result in behaviour change. The CSL groups have been graduated into Tembea community SACCO.

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